NGO Forum

Cso Reports

# State County CCCM Education ES/NFI FSL Health Logistics Nutrition Protection Child Protection GBV Land Coordination Mine Action WASH Peace building governance Natural Resources media E/C/C ED SS I
1 Abyei Administrative Area Abyei Youth Organization for Peace Support,Save the Children International GOAL,Community Initiative for Partnership and Development,GOAL,Youth Organization for Peace Support,Save the Children International GOAL,GOAL GOAL,Community Initiative for Partnership and Development,GOAL,Save the Children International GOAL,GOAL,Community Initiative for Partnership and Development,Save the Children International
2 Central Equatoria Juba Plan International,Stromme Foundation,MENNONITE CENTRAL COMMITTEE,KINGDOM FINANCIERS MILLIONAIRES INTERNATIONAL (KFMI),Nile Relief and Development Organization ,Plan International,Titi Foundation,Association of Volunteers for Service International,Caritas Austria,Science Teachers' Initiatiive,Youth Organization for Peace Support,Finn Church Aid,Save the Children International,Polish Humanitarian Action,Education and Peace Foundation,Jhpiego,Harvest, Hope & Rising Foundation,SOS Children,AGENCY FOR COOPERATION AND RESEARCH IN DEVELOPMENT,Community Initiative for Partnership and Development,AGENCY FOR COOPERATION AND RESEARCH IN DEVELOPMENT,Lutheran World Federation,ACCESS FOR HUMANITY ACCESS FOR HUMANITY,The First Step,Plan International,GOAL,Nile Relief and Development Organization ,Amref Health Africa,SOUTH SUDAN RED CROSS,GOAL,EMPOWER SOUTH SUDAN.,German Leprosy & TB Relief Association,Medair,Hope Restoration South Sudan,Society for Family Health South Sudan,ISRAAID SOUTH SUDAN,Humanity & Inclusion (HI), South Sudan,CLIMATE AND ENVIRONMENTAL ACTIONS-SOUTH SUDAN,IntraHealth International Inc,Youth Organization for Peace Support,Jhpiego,International Medical Corps,Samaritan's Purse,Harvest, Hope & Rising Foundation,AGENCY FOR COOPERATION AND RESEARCH IN DEVELOPMENT,AGENCY FOR COOPERATION AND RESEARCH IN DEVELOPMENT,Caritas South Sudan (CSS) Plan International,GOAL,Veteriares Sans Frontieres Germany - Vsf Germany,Plan International,SOUTH SUDAN RED CROSS,GOAL,Association of Volunteers for Service International,Action Africa Help - International,Polish Humanitarian Action,Samaritan's Purse,International Medical Corps,Solidarites International,International Rescue Committee Plan International,GOAL,Plan International,Nile Relief and Development Organization ,Community Initiative for Partnership and Development,GOAL,Medair,Association of Volunteers for Service International,Hope Restoration South Sudan,SNV-THE NETHERLANDS DEVELOPMENT ORGANISATION,Road to Economic Development Organisation,Samaritan's Purse,International Medical Corps,Harvest, Hope & Rising Foundation,International Rescue Committee Plan International,GOAL,Plan International,Nile Relief and Development Organization ,Titi Foundation,SOUTH SUDAN RED CROSS,GOAL,German Leprosy & TB Relief Association,Centre for Democracy and Development,Community Initiative for Partnership and Development,ISRAAID SOUTH SUDAN,Global Voices Organization-South Sudan,Global Voices Organization-South Sudan,Hope Restoration South Sudan,Association of Volunteers for Service International,Polish Humanitarian Action,Christian Mission Aid,Road to Economic Development Organisation,PAX,Save the Children International,Samaritan's Purse,Humanitarian and Development Consortium,International Medical Corps,Diakonie Katastrophenhilfe,International Rescue Committee
3 Central Equatoria Kajo Keji Plan International,Stromme Foundation,Finn Church Aid GOAL,Women and Children Health Organization,GOAL,Hope Health Action Organization,Hope Health Action Organization GOAL,Veteriares Sans Frontieres Germany - Vsf Germany,GOAL GOAL,Women and Children Health Organization,Hope Health Action Organization,GOAL,Hope Health Action Organization,Road to Economic Development Organisation GOAL,Titi Foundation,Women and Children Health Organization,GOAL,Centre for Democracy and Development,Community Initiative for Partnership and Development,Road to Economic Development Organisation,Diakonie Katastrophenhilfe
4 Central Equatoria Lainya Stromme Foundation,Finn Church Aid Women Agriculture Support - Seed & Animal Research Organization Centre for Democracy and Development
5 Central Equatoria Morobo Stromme Foundation,Finn Church Aid Centre for Democracy and Development
6 Central Equatoria Terekeka Stromme Foundation,Road to Economic Development Organisation,International Pardon Foundation,AGENCY FOR COOPERATION AND RESEARCH IN DEVELOPMENT,AGENCY FOR COOPERATION AND RESEARCH IN DEVELOPMENT IntraHealth International Inc,AGENCY FOR COOPERATION AND RESEARCH IN DEVELOPMENT,AGENCY FOR COOPERATION AND RESEARCH IN DEVELOPMENT Veteriares Sans Frontieres Germany - Vsf Germany Community Initiative for Partnership and Development,Action For Development,Road to Economic Development Organisation Nile Relief and Development Organization ,Women and Children Health Organization,SOUTH SUDAN RED CROSS,ISRAAID SOUTH SUDAN,Centre for Democracy and Development,Community Initiative for Partnership and Development,Road to Economic Development Organisation
7 Central Equatoria Yei Plan International,Stromme Foundation,Plan International,Centre for Democracy and Development,Finn Church Aid,BBC Media Action Community Initiative for Partnership and Development,Amref Health Africa,German Leprosy & TB Relief Association Veteriares Sans Frontieres Germany - Vsf Germany,Action Africa Help - International Community Initiative for Partnership and Development,Association of Volunteers for Service International Veteriares Sans Frontieres Germany - Vsf Germany,SOUTH SUDAN RED CROSS,German Leprosy & TB Relief Association,Centre for Democracy and Development,Association of Volunteers for Service International,Community Initiative for Partnership and Development
8 Eastern Equatoria Budi Veteriares Sans Frontieres Germany - Vsf Germany Veteriares Sans Frontieres Germany - Vsf Germany,Road to Economic Development Organisation,Action For Development Veteriares Sans Frontieres Germany - Vsf Germany,Road to Economic Development Organisation
9 Eastern Equatoria Ikotos Veteriares Sans Frontieres Germany - Vsf Germany,Association of Volunteers for Service International Veteriares Sans Frontieres Germany - Vsf Germany,Association of Volunteers for Service International Veteriares Sans Frontieres Germany - Vsf Germany
10 Eastern Equatoria Kapoeta East Stromme Foundation,MENNONITE CENTRAL COMMITTEE,Association of Volunteers for Service International,Road to Economic Development Organisation,Save the Children International,International Pardon Foundation MENNONITE CENTRAL COMMITTEE,Community Initiative for Partnership and Development,Amref Health Africa Association of Volunteers for Service International Association of Volunteers for Service International,Road to Economic Development Organisation Community Initiative for Partnership and Development,Association of Volunteers for Service International,Road to Economic Development Organisation,Save the Children International
11 Eastern Equatoria Kapoeta North Association of Volunteers for Service International,Save the Children International,Community Initiative for Partnership and Development Community Initiative for Partnership and Development,Coalition For Conflict Mitigation Organization ,Amref Health Africa,Save the Children International,Caritas South Sudan (CSS) Association of Volunteers for Service International Community Initiative for Partnership and Development,Association of Volunteers for Service International,Save the Children International Community Initiative for Partnership and Development,Association of Volunteers for Service International,Save the Children International
12 Eastern Equatoria Kapoeta South Association of Volunteers for Service International,Save the Children International,BBC Media Action,Community Initiative for Partnership and Development Community Initiative for Partnership and Development,Amref Health Africa Association of Volunteers for Service International Community Initiative for Partnership and Development,Association of Volunteers for Service International SOUTH SUDAN RED CROSS,Community Initiative for Partnership and Development,Association of Volunteers for Service International
13 Eastern Equatoria Lafon Medair Medair
14 Eastern Equatoria Magwi Stromme Foundation,Titi Foundation,Association of Volunteers for Service International,Road to Economic Development Organisation,Save the Children International,Lutheran World Federation SOUTH SUDAN RED CROSS,IntraHealth International Inc,Save the Children International Veteriares Sans Frontieres Germany - Vsf Germany,Association of Volunteers for Service International Road to Economic Development Organisation,Save the Children International Titi Foundation,Centre for Democracy and Development,Agency for Technical Cooperation and Development,PAX,Road to Economic Development Organisation,Save the Children International
15 Eastern Equatoria Torit Plan International,Stromme Foundation,Women and Children Health Organization,Road to Economic Development Organisation,Save the Children International ACCESS FOR HUMANITY,Community Initiative for Partnership and Development,Johanniter International Assistance,Women and Children Health Organization,SOUTH SUDAN RED CROSS,CORDAID - Catholic Organization for Relief and Development Aid Veteriares Sans Frontieres Germany - Vsf Germany,Association of Volunteers for Service International Johanniter International Assistance,Women and Children Health Organization,Community Initiative for Partnership and Development,Association of Volunteers for Service International,SNV-THE NETHERLANDS DEVELOPMENT ORGANISATION,Save the Children International Johanniter International Assistance,Women and Children Health Organization,SOUTH SUDAN RED CROSS,Agency for Technical Cooperation and Development,Association of Volunteers for Service International,Community Initiative for Partnership and Development,PAX,Save the Children International
16 Jonglei Akobo Save the Children International,Tear Plan for Mama Africa ,BBC Media Action Coalition For Conflict Mitigation Organization ,Save the Children International,Tear Plan for Mama Africa Veteriares Sans Frontieres Germany - Vsf Germany,Tear Plan for Mama Africa Response for Emergency Care Organization,Save the Children International,Tear Plan for Mama Africa Response for Emergency Care Organization,Save the Children International,Humanitarian and Development Consortium,Tear Plan for Mama Africa
17 Jonglei Akoka Coalition For Conflict Mitigation Organization
18 Jonglei Ayod International Pardon Foundation Community Initiative for Partnership and Development,Response for Emergency Care Organization,Christian Mission Aid,Tear Plan for Mama Africa Veteriares Sans Frontieres Germany - Vsf Germany,Tear Plan for Mama Africa Humanitarian and Development Consortium
19 Jonglei Bor Road to Economic Development Organisation,Save the Children International,Polish Humanitarian Action,Community Initiative for Partnership and Development,Lutheran World Federation ACCESS FOR HUMANITY,Veteriares Sans Frontieres Germany - Vsf Germany,Community Initiative for Partnership and Development,Medicos del Mundo,IntraHealth International Inc,Youth Organization for Peace Support,Save the Children International,Humanitarian and Development Consortium Veteriares Sans Frontieres Germany - Vsf Germany,Response for Emergency Care Organization,SOUTH SUDAN RED CROSS Community Initiative for Partnership and Development,Save the Children International SOUTH SUDAN RED CROSS,Community Initiative for Partnership and Development,Save the Children International,Humanitarian and Development Consortium
20 Jonglei Duk Tear Plan for Mama Africa ,Lutheran World Federation Veteriares Sans Frontieres Germany - Vsf Germany,Tear Plan for Mama Africa Tear Plan for Mama Africa ,Lutheran World Federation Humanitarian and Development Consortium,Tear Plan for Mama Africa ,Lutheran World Federation
21 Jonglei Fangak Response for Emergency Care Organization,Coalition For Conflict Mitigation Organization ,Finn Church Aid,Tear Plan for Mama Africa ,Harvest, Hope & Rising Foundation ACCESS FOR HUMANITY,Response for Emergency Care Organization,Nile Relief and Development Organization ,Coalition For Conflict Mitigation Organization ,Christian Mission Aid,Tear Plan for Mama Africa ,Harvest, Hope & Rising Foundation Coalition For Conflict Mitigation Organization Response for Emergency Care Organization,Christian Mission Aid,Harvest, Hope & Rising Foundation Response for Emergency Care Organization,Coalition For Conflict Mitigation Organization ,Finn Church Aid,Christian Mission Aid,Humanitarian and Development Consortium,Diakonie Katastrophenhilfe,Tear Plan for Mama Africa
22 Jonglei Nyirol Tear Plan for Mama Africa Tear Plan for Mama Africa Tear Plan for Mama Africa Christian Mission Aid,Tear Plan for Mama Africa Christian Mission Aid
23 Jonglei Pibor Plan International,Plan International,Hope Restoration South Sudan,Youth Organization for Peace Support,Finn Church Aid,Polish Humanitarian Action,BBC Media Action,Community Initiative for Partnership and Development Plan International,Coalition For Conflict Mitigation Organization ,Medair,Humanity & Inclusion (HI), South Sudan,Youth Organization for Peace Support Plan International,Veteriares Sans Frontieres Germany - Vsf Germany,Plan International Plan International,Plan International,Community Initiative for Partnership and Development,Medair Plan International,Plan International,Community Initiative for Partnership and Development,Hope Restoration South Sudan,Polish Humanitarian Action,Humanitarian and Development Consortium,Diakonie Katastrophenhilfe
24 Jonglei Pigi Response for Emergency Care Organization,Coalition For Conflict Mitigation Organization ,Tear Plan for Mama Africa ,International Pardon Foundation Response for Emergency Care Organization,Coalition For Conflict Mitigation Organization ,International Medical Corps International Medical Corps Response for Emergency Care Organization,International Medical Corps,Tear Plan for Mama Africa Response for Emergency Care Organization,Coalition For Conflict Mitigation Organization ,International Medical Corps
25 Jonglei Pochalla Finn Church Aid,BBC Media Action
26 Jonglei Twic East Lutheran World Federation,Community Initiative for Partnership and Development ACCESS FOR HUMANITY,Community Initiative for Partnership and Development,Medicos del Mundo Veteriares Sans Frontieres Germany - Vsf Germany Community Initiative for Partnership and Development,Lutheran World Federation Lutheran World Federation,Community Initiative for Partnership and Development,Humanitarian and Development Consortium
27 Jonglei Uror Tear Plan for Mama Africa Tear Plan for Mama Africa Tear Plan for Mama Africa
28 Lakes Awerial Finn Church Aid,Community Initiative for Partnership and Development Community Initiative for Partnership and Development,Doctors with Africa Veteriares Sans Frontieres Germany - Vsf Germany Community Initiative for Partnership and Development Community Initiative for Partnership and Development,Humanitarian and Development Consortium
29 Lakes Cueibet Association of Volunteers for Service International,SIGN OF HOPE.,Community Initiative for Partnership and Development Community Initiative for Partnership and Development,Doctors with Africa Veteriares Sans Frontieres Germany - Vsf Germany,Association of Volunteers for Service International Community Initiative for Partnership and Development,Association of Volunteers for Service International Community Initiative for Partnership and Development,Association of Volunteers for Service International,Diakonie Katastrophenhilfe
30 Lakes Rumbek Center Plan International,MENNONITE CENTRAL COMMITTEE,Abukloi Foundation South Sudan,Plan International,SIGN OF HOPE.,BBC Media Action,Community Initiative for Partnership and Development MENNONITE CENTRAL COMMITTEE,Community Initiative for Partnership and Development,Doctors with Africa,SOUTH SUDAN RED CROSS,IntraHealth International Inc Veteriares Sans Frontieres Germany - Vsf Germany,Plan International,Association of Volunteers for Service International Plan International,Plan International,Community Initiative for Partnership and Development,Association of Volunteers for Service International,SIGN OF HOPE.,International Rescue Committee Plan International,Plan International,Community Initiative for Partnership and Development,Association of Volunteers for Service International,Hope Restoration South Sudan,Humane Aid for Community Organization,International Rescue Committee
31 Lakes Rumbek East Plan International,Plan International,Association of Volunteers for Service International,SIGN OF HOPE.,Save the Children International,Community Initiative for Partnership and Development Community Initiative for Partnership and Development,Doctors with Africa Plan International,Association of Volunteers for Service International Plan International,Plan International,Community Initiative for Partnership and Development,Association of Volunteers for Service International,International Rescue Committee Plan International,Plan International,Community Initiative for Partnership and Development,Association of Volunteers for Service International
32 Lakes Rumbek North Plan International,Plan International,Association of Volunteers for Service International,Save the Children International,Community Initiative for Partnership and Development Community Initiative for Partnership and Development,Doctors with Africa Plan International,Association of Volunteers for Service International Plan International,Plan International,Community Initiative for Partnership and Development,Association of Volunteers for Service International,International Rescue Committee Plan International,Plan International,Community Initiative for Partnership and Development,Association of Volunteers for Service International
33 Lakes Wulu Association of Volunteers for Service International,Community Initiative for Partnership and Development Doctors with Africa,Community Initiative for Partnership and Development Association of Volunteers for Service International Community Initiative for Partnership and Development Community Initiative for Partnership and Development
34 Lakes Yirol East Plan International,Association of Volunteers for Service International,BBC Media Action,Community Initiative for Partnership and Development Doctors with Africa,Community Initiative for Partnership and Development Association of Volunteers for Service International Community Initiative for Partnership and Development,Association of Volunteers for Service International Association of Volunteers for Service International,Community Initiative for Partnership and Development,PAX
35 Lakes Yirol West Association of Volunteers for Service International,Community Initiative for Partnership and Development Doctors with Africa,Community Initiative for Partnership and Development,SOUTH SUDAN RED CROSS Association of Volunteers for Service International Community Initiative for Partnership and Development,Association of Volunteers for Service International SOUTH SUDAN RED CROSS,Association of Volunteers for Service International,Community Initiative for Partnership and Development,PAX
36 Northern Bahr el Ghazal Aweil Center Stromme Foundation,Youth Organization for Peace Support,Vision initiative for Transformation ,Community Initiative for Partnership and Development Community Initiative for Partnership and Development,Malaria Consortium,SOUTH SUDAN RED CROSS Community Initiative for Partnership and Development,Welthungerhilfe Titi Foundation,Community Initiative for Partnership and Development
37 Northern Bahr el Ghazal Aweil East Save the Children International,BBC Media Action,Community Initiative for Partnership and Development Community Initiative for Partnership and Development,Women and Children Health Organization,International Rescue Committee Community Initiative for Partnership and Development,Women and Children Health Organization Titi Foundation,Community Initiative for Partnership and Development,Agency for Technical Cooperation and Development
38 Northern Bahr el Ghazal Aweil North Stromme Foundation,Community Initiative for Partnership and Development Community Initiative for Partnership and Development,Malaria Consortium Community Initiative for Partnership and Development,Welthungerhilfe Titi Foundation,Community Initiative for Partnership and Development
39 Northern Bahr el Ghazal Aweil South Community Initiative for Partnership and Development Community Initiative for Partnership and Development,Malaria Consortium Community Initiative for Partnership and Development,Welthungerhilfe Community Initiative for Partnership and Development
40 Northern Bahr el Ghazal Aweil West Stromme Foundation,Community Initiative for Partnership and Development Community Initiative for Partnership and Development,Malaria Consortium,International Rescue Committee Community Initiative for Partnership and Development,Welthungerhilfe Women and Children Health Organization,Community Initiative for Partnership and Development
41 Unity Abiemnhom Community Initiative for Partnership and Development
42 Unity Guit Finn Church Aid,Harvest, Hope & Rising Foundation Nile Relief and Development Organization ,Harvest, Hope & Rising Foundation Harvest, Hope & Rising Foundation Nile Relief and Development Organization ,Finn Church Aid
43 Unity Koch Nile Relief and Development Organization ACCESS FOR HUMANITY,Nile Relief and Development Organization ,Coalition For Conflict Mitigation Organization ,International Medical Corps,International Rescue Committee International Medical Corps International Medical Corps,International Rescue Committee Nile Relief and Development Organization ,International Medical Corps
44 Unity Leer Universal Intervention and Development Organisation,Nile Relief and Development Organization ,Hope Restoration South Sudan,Tear Plan for Mama Africa ACCESS FOR HUMANITY,Universal Intervention and Development Organisation,Nile Relief and Development Organization ,Medair,Hope Restoration South Sudan,Samaritan's Purse,International Medical Corps Response for Emergency Care Organization,Samaritan's Purse,International Medical Corps,Tear Plan for Mama Africa Universal Intervention and Development Organisation,Medair,Hope Restoration South Sudan,Samaritan's Purse,International Medical Corps Nile Relief and Development Organization ,Hope Restoration South Sudan,Samaritan's Purse,International Medical Corps
45 Unity Mayendit Universal Intervention and Development Organisation,Hope Restoration South Sudan Universal Intervention and Development Organisation,Medair,Hope Restoration South Sudan,Samaritan's Purse,International Medical Corps Samaritan's Purse,International Medical Corps Universal Intervention and Development Organisation,Medair,Hope Restoration South Sudan,Samaritan's Purse,International Medical Corps Nile Relief and Development Organization ,Hope Restoration South Sudan,Samaritan's Purse,International Medical Corps
46 Unity Mayom Youth Organization for Peace Support,Tear Plan for Mama Africa CORDAID - Catholic Organization for Relief and Development Aid,Medair,Youth Organization for Peace Support,Samaritan's Purse Samaritan's Purse Medair,Samaritan's Purse Samaritan's Purse
47 Unity Panriang Youth Organization for Peace Support,Lutheran World Federation Nile Relief and Development Organization ,Africa Humanitarian Action,Youth Organization for Peace Support,Samaritan's Purse,Caritas South Sudan (CSS) Action Africa Help - International,Samaritan's Purse Africa Humanitarian Action,Samaritan's Purse,International Rescue Committee Community Initiative for Partnership and Development,Samaritan's Purse,International Rescue Committee ,Lutheran World Federation
48 Unity Panyijiar Universal Intervention and Development Organisation,Nile Relief and Development Organization ,Hope Restoration South Sudan ACCESS FOR HUMANITY,Nile Relief and Development Organization ,Hope Restoration South Sudan,International Medical Corps,International Rescue Committee International Medical Corps Nile Relief and Development Organization ,Hope Restoration South Sudan,International Medical Corps,International Rescue Committee Nile Relief and Development Organization ,Hope Restoration South Sudan,PAX,International Medical Corps,International Rescue Committee
49 Unity Rubkona Universal Intervention and Development Organisation,Plan International,Nile Relief and Development Organization ,Hope Restoration South Sudan,Harvest, Hope & Rising Foundation ACCESS FOR HUMANITY,Universal Intervention and Development Organisation,GOAL,Community Initiative for Partnership and Development,Nile Relief and Development Organization ,SOUTH SUDAN RED CROSS,GOAL,CORDAID - Catholic Organization for Relief and Development Aid,Hope Restoration South Sudan,Harvest, Hope & Rising Foundation GOAL,Plan International,GOAL,Solidarites International Universal Intervention and Development Organisation,GOAL,Plan International,Nile Relief and Development Organization ,Community Initiative for Partnership and Development,GOAL,Hope Restoration South Sudan,Harvest, Hope & Rising Foundation GOAL,Plan International,Nile Relief and Development Organization ,Titi Foundation,SOUTH SUDAN RED CROSS,GOAL,Community Initiative for Partnership and Development,Hope Restoration South Sudan,International Rescue Committee
50 Upper Nile Baliet Tear Plan for Mama Africa Humanitarian and Development Consortium
51 Upper Nile Fashoda Action Africa Help - International,International Medical Corps,Humanitarian and Development Consortium Coalition For Conflict Mitigation Organization Action Africa Help - International Humanitarian and Development Consortium,Diakonie Katastrophenhilfe,Tear Plan for Mama Africa
52 Upper Nile Longchuk Response for Emergency Care Organization Response for Emergency Care Organization Response for Emergency Care Organization
53 Upper Nile Longechuk Relief International,Tear Plan for Mama Africa Tear Plan for Mama Africa Relief International,Tear Plan for Mama Africa
54 Upper Nile Maban Science Teachers' Initiatiive,Youth Organization for Peace Support,Save the Children International,Community Initiative for Partnership and Development,Lutheran World Federation Nile Relief and Development Organization ,Relief International,ISRAAID SOUTH SUDAN,Save the Children International,Samaritan's Purse,International Rescue Committee Action Africa Help - International Relief International,Save the Children International,Samaritan's Purse Nile Relief and Development Organization ,Relief International,Science Teachers' Initiatiive,Community Initiative for Partnership and Development,Save the Children International,Samaritan's Purse,Humanitarian and Development Consortium,International Rescue Committee ,Lutheran World Federation
55 Upper Nile Maiwut Tear Plan for Mama Africa Relief International,Samaritan's Purse,Tear Plan for Mama Africa Samaritan's Purse,Tear Plan for Mama Africa Relief International,Samaritan's Purse,Tear Plan for Mama Africa Response for Emergency Care Organization,Samaritan's Purse,Tear Plan for Mama Africa
56 Upper Nile Malakal Plan International,War Child Holland,Hope Restoration South Sudan,Youth Organization for Peace Support,War Child Canada,Finn Church Aid,Tear Plan for Mama Africa ,Community Initiative for Partnership and Development ACCESS FOR HUMANITY,Community Initiative for Partnership and Development,Hope Restoration South Sudan,Youth Organization for Peace Support,International Medical Corps,Tear Plan for Mama Africa SOUTH SUDAN RED CROSS,Action Africa Help - International,International Medical Corps,Solidarites International,Tear Plan for Mama Africa Community Initiative for Partnership and Development,Hope Restoration South Sudan,International Medical Corps,Tear Plan for Mama Africa SOUTH SUDAN RED CROSS,Community Initiative for Partnership and Development,Hope Restoration South Sudan,Finn Church Aid,Humanitarian and Development Consortium,International Medical Corps,Tear Plan for Mama Africa
57 Upper Nile Manyo Polish Humanitarian Action Medair,Action Africa Help - International,International Medical Corps,Humanitarian and Development Consortium International Medical Corps Medair,Action Africa Help - International,Women Agriculture Support - Seed & Animal Research Organization,International Medical Corps Response for Emergency Care Organization,Humanitarian and Development Consortium,International Medical Corps
58 Upper Nile Melut War Child Holland Youth Organization for Peace Support Humanitarian and Development Consortium
59 Upper Nile Nasir Response for Emergency Care Organization,Polish Humanitarian Action,Tear Plan for Mama Africa Community Initiative for Partnership and Development,Relief International,Tear Plan for Mama Africa Veteriares Sans Frontieres Germany - Vsf Germany,Polish Humanitarian Action,Tear Plan for Mama Africa Response for Emergency Care Organization,Relief International,Tear Plan for Mama Africa Response for Emergency Care Organization,Community Initiative for Partnership and Development,Polish Humanitarian Action,Diakonie Katastrophenhilfe
60 Upper Nile Panyikang Women and Children Health Organization,Coalition For Conflict Mitigation Organization ,Finn Church Aid Response for Emergency Care Organization,Coalition For Conflict Mitigation Organization ,International Medical Corps,Humanitarian and Development Consortium,Tear Plan for Mama Africa International Medical Corps Response for Emergency Care Organization,International Medical Corps Response for Emergency Care Organization,Nile Relief and Development Organization ,Coalition For Conflict Mitigation Organization ,Women and Children Health Organization,Humanitarian and Development Consortium,International Medical Corps
61 Upper Nile Renk Plan International,Plan International,Nile Relief and Development Organization ,Hope Restoration South Sudan,Youth Organization for Peace Support,Save the Children International,Tear Plan for Mama Africa ,International Pardon Foundation,Community Initiative for Partnership and Development,Lutheran World Federation Plan International,GOAL,Community Initiative for Partnership and Development,Nile Relief and Development Organization ,SOUTH SUDAN RED CROSS,GOAL,Relief International,Hope Restoration South Sudan,Youth Organization for Peace Support,Save the Children International,International Medical Corps GOAL,GOAL,Action Africa Help - International,Solidarites International Plan International,GOAL,Nile Relief and Development Organization ,Community Initiative for Partnership and Development,GOAL,Relief International,Hope Restoration South Sudan,Save the Children International,International Medical Corps,Tear Plan for Mama Africa Plan International,GOAL,Plan International,SOUTH SUDAN RED CROSS,GOAL,Agency for Technical Cooperation and Development,Save the Children International,International Medical Corps,Tear Plan for Mama Africa ,Lutheran World Federation
62 Upper Nile Ulang Science Teachers' Initiatiive,Tear Plan for Mama Africa GOAL,Community Initiative for Partnership and Development,GOAL,Relief International,Tear Plan for Mama Africa GOAL,Veteriares Sans Frontieres Germany - Vsf Germany,GOAL GOAL,Response for Emergency Care Organization,GOAL,Relief International GOAL,Response for Emergency Care Organization,GOAL,Science Teachers' Initiatiive,Community Initiative for Partnership and Development,Tear Plan for Mama Africa
63 Warrap Gogrial East Community Initiative for Partnership and Development GOAL,Community Initiative for Partnership and Development,GOAL GOAL,Veteriares Sans Frontieres Germany - Vsf Germany,GOAL GOAL,Community Initiative for Partnership and Development,GOAL GOAL,GOAL,Community Initiative for Partnership and Development
64 Warrap Gogrial West Community Initiative for Partnership and Development GOAL,Community Initiative for Partnership and Development,GOAL GOAL,Veteriares Sans Frontieres Germany - Vsf Germany,GOAL GOAL,Community Initiative for Partnership and Development,GOAL GOAL,GOAL,Community Initiative for Partnership and Development
65 Warrap Tonj East Save the Children International,Community Initiative for Partnership and Development Community Initiative for Partnership and Development,Amref Health Africa,Medair Amref Health Africa,Community Initiative for Partnership and Development,Medair Community Initiative for Partnership and Development
66 Warrap Tonj North SIGN OF HOPE.,Save the Children International,Community Initiative for Partnership and Development Community Initiative for Partnership and Development,Amref Health Africa Veteriares Sans Frontieres Germany - Vsf Germany Amref Health Africa,Community Initiative for Partnership and Development Community Initiative for Partnership and Development
67 Warrap Tonj South SIGN OF HOPE.,Save the Children International,Community Initiative for Partnership and Development Community Initiative for Partnership and Development,Amref Health Africa,Caritas South Sudan (CSS) Amref Health Africa,Community Initiative for Partnership and Development Community Initiative for Partnership and Development
68 Warrap Twic Youth Organization for Peace Support GOAL,Malaria Consortium,Community Initiative for Partnership and Development,GOAL,Youth Organization for Peace Support GOAL,GOAL GOAL,Community Initiative for Partnership and Development,GOAL GOAL,GOAL,Community Initiative for Partnership and Development
69 Western Bahr el Ghazal Jur River Community Initiative for Partnership and Development Community Initiative for Partnership and Development Veteriares Sans Frontieres Germany - Vsf Germany Community Initiative for Partnership and Development Women and Children Health Organization,Community Initiative for Partnership and Development
70 Western Bahr el Ghazal Raja Community Initiative for Partnership and Development Community Initiative for Partnership and Development Community Initiative for Partnership and Development,Action For Development,Road to Economic Development Organisation Road to Economic Development Organisation
71 Western Bahr el Ghazal Wau Youth Organization for Peace Support,War Child Canada,Road to Economic Development Organisation,Save the Children International,Community Initiative for Partnership and Development Community Initiative for Partnership and Development,Johanniter International Assistance,SOUTH SUDAN RED CROSS,Amref Health Africa,German Leprosy & TB Relief Association,CORDAID - Catholic Organization for Relief and Development Aid,Humanity & Inclusion (HI), South Sudan,Youth Organization for Peace Support Veteriares Sans Frontieres Germany - Vsf Germany,SOUTH SUDAN RED CROSS,Action Africa Help - International,Caritas South Sudan (CSS) Johanniter International Assistance,Community Initiative for Partnership and Development,Action For Development,Road to Economic Development Organisation,International Medical Corps Johanniter International Assistance,Women and Children Health Organization,SOUTH SUDAN RED CROSS,German Leprosy & TB Relief Association,Community Initiative for Partnership and Development,Road to Economic Development Organisation,International Medical Corps
72 Western Equatoria Ezo Road to Economic Development Organisation Road to Economic Development Organisation Road to Economic Development Organisation
73 Western Equatoria Ibba Road to Economic Development Organisation Amref Health Africa Road to Economic Development Organisation Centre for Democracy and Development,Road to Economic Development Organisation
74 Western Equatoria Maridi Africano Mande Foundation,Youth Organization for Peace Support,Road to Economic Development Organisation,Finn Church Aid Africano Mande Foundation,Community Initiative for Partnership and Development,Women and Children Health Organization,Amref Health Africa,Youth Organization for Peace Support,Caritas South Sudan (CSS) Veteriares Sans Frontieres Germany - Vsf Germany Women and Children Health Organization,Community Initiative for Partnership and Development,Road to Economic Development Organisation Veteriares Sans Frontieres Germany - Vsf Germany,Women and Children Health Organization,Centre for Democracy and Development,Community Initiative for Partnership and Development,Road to Economic Development Organisation
75 Western Equatoria Mundri East CHRISTIAN ORGANIZATION FOR SUSTAINABLE SOCIETY,Road to Economic Development Organisation,Finn Church Aid,Education and Peace Foundation CHRISTIAN ORGANIZATION FOR SUSTAINABLE SOCIETY,Amref Health Africa,Education and Peace Foundation,Caritas South Sudan (CSS) CHRISTIAN ORGANIZATION FOR SUSTAINABLE SOCIETY,Road to Economic Development Organisation CHRISTIAN ORGANIZATION FOR SUSTAINABLE SOCIETY,Centre for Democracy and Development,Community Initiative for Partnership and Development,Road to Economic Development Organisation
76 Western Equatoria Mundri West CHRISTIAN ORGANIZATION FOR SUSTAINABLE SOCIETY,Road to Economic Development Organisation CHRISTIAN ORGANIZATION FOR SUSTAINABLE SOCIETY,Amref Health Africa,Caritas South Sudan (CSS) CHRISTIAN ORGANIZATION FOR SUSTAINABLE SOCIETY,Community Initiative for Partnership and Development,Road to Economic Development Organisation CHRISTIAN ORGANIZATION FOR SUSTAINABLE SOCIETY,SOUTH SUDAN RED CROSS,Centre for Democracy and Development,Community Initiative for Partnership and Development,Road to Economic Development Organisation
78 Western Equatoria Nagero Road to Economic Development Organisation IntraHealth International Inc Road to Economic Development Organisation Road to Economic Development Organisation
79 Western Equatoria Nzara Road to Economic Development Organisation Amref Health Africa,IntraHealth International Inc Road to Economic Development Organisation Centre for Democracy and Development,Road to Economic Development Organisation
80 Western Equatoria Tambura Road to Economic Development Organisation Community Initiative for Partnership and Development,Medair,IntraHealth International Inc Community Initiative for Partnership and Development,Medair,Road to Economic Development Organisation Centre for Democracy and Development,Community Initiative for Partnership and Development,Road to Economic Development Organisation
81 Western Equatoria Yambio Caritas Austria,Centre for Democracy and Development,Road to Economic Development Organisation,Finn Church Aid,Community Initiative for Partnership and Development Community Initiative for Partnership and Development,Women and Children Health Organization,Amref Health Africa,IntraHealth International Inc,Youth Organization for Peace Support Action Africa Help - International Women and Children Health Organization,Community Initiative for Partnership and Development,Caritas Austria,SNV-THE NETHERLANDS DEVELOPMENT ORGANISATION,Road to Economic Development Organisation Women and Children Health Organization,SOUTH SUDAN RED CROSS,Centre for Democracy and Development,Community Initiative for Partnership and Development,Road to Economic Development Organisation