Renewal Membership with South Sudan NGO Forum?
Membership renewal/payment is done on a yearly basis. Renewal notifications are usually sent to members in January. This requires completion of the same application form as first-time members.
Membership Renewal Form
Below is a set of data you will need for your NGO Renewal. We advice that you prepare it before you start filling the form. All fields marked * are required
Organization Basic Information
- Organization Name *
- Organization Preferred Acronym or Short Name *
- Organization Type (National/International) *
- Short brief of your organization *
- RRC Certificate Serial Number & Expiry Date*
- RRC Certificate Upload (pdf or image)*
- Year operations began in South Sudan *
- Headquater Country *
- Postal Address *
- Website
Organization Contact & Staffing Information
- Organization Representative and their contacts *
- Alternate Representative and their contacts *
- Operating Budgets *
- Approximate Number of International Staff hired or to be hired within the year *
- Approximate Number of National Staff hired or to be hired within the year *
- Approximate Number of Relocatable staff *
- South Sudan Headquaters Physical Address *
- South Sudan Office Location Physical Address *
- NGO Car Number Plate
Partnerships & code of Conducts
- Ministries in which you partner with and have a signed MOU
- Ministries in which you partner with but have no signed MOU
- PSEA Policy and Reporing Lines
- Codes of Conducts
- Global Networks
Organization Operational Presence Information
- Sector/Cluster *
- County *
- Project intended Start Year *